This APP helps families of Torrent to encourage the daily commuting of their children to school by walking. With this application you will be able to know if the children have arrived at school, or what has been the last point of the route through which they have passed.This tool is part of the TORRENT SCHOOL ROUTE project, to encourage healthy lifestyles among the school community, and reduce car travel around the city, relaxing traffic and reducing carbon emissions. It includes the following actions:• Identification and signaling of the ideal routes for student safety.• Conditioning of pedestrian crossings, and inclusion of intelligent pedestrian crossings.• Prohibition of undue parking in certain points.• Elimination of containers in points that hinder the vision of boys and girls on the routes.• Conditioning of the sidewalk pavement.• Elimination of architectural barriers.• Conditioning of dissuasive parkings near schools• Elimination of architectural barriers.This action is co-financed at 50% by the ERDF of the European Union, in the Plurirregional Operational Program of Spain for the 2014-2020 programming period.